Thursday, March 15, 2018

Nature’s One Baby's Only Organic® Dairy Formula Contains Corn-Derived Ingredients

After calling Nature's One this afternoon (740) 548-0135, they confirmed that their Baby's Only Organic Dairy Formula contains corn-derived ingredients; and, therefore, it is NOT recommended for corn-allergic infants.

They advertise that this product contains "no corn syrup," which I feel is misleading; since consumers may believe that the product is safe for corn-allergic infants.

Nature’s One Baby's Only Organic® Dairy Formula

Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources


  1. I agree. Consumers are not educated enough to interpret labels and we need clarity in order to keep our most vulnerable population safe.

    1. This is why I contacted this company, since I believe their "no corn syrup" claim was a bit misleading.


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