Monday, July 3, 2017

North Carolina Hospitals/Health Systems Contacted

(Updated 3/19/22)

I continue to read personal testimonies from members of our corn allergy support groups documenting that medical personnel continue to administer corn sugar (dextrose/D-glucose)-containing IV fluids to corn-allergic patients in direct violation of the contraindication warning on the package insert.  It is also apparent that too many medical professionals do not understand that dextrose is the chemical name for corn sugar produced from cornstarch (D-glucose), 21CFR184.1857, which can prove fatal to anyone with an IgE-mediated allergy to corn.

Glucose: blood sugar (lifeblood of all living organisms)
D-Glucose: synthetic glucose (lab-created from cornstarch); analog/enantiomer of glucose (NOT identical)
L-Glucose: synthetic glucose (lab-created), analog/enantiomer of glucose (NOT identical)

The most heartbreaking testimonies are from parents of corn-allergic infants, many of whom have been diagnosed with "failure to thrive" due to the lack of corn-free infant formulas.  Hospitals have NO alternative safe sources of corn-free nutrition to feed to these struggling babies, and their pediatricians/dietitians cannot offer any assistance to parents of corn-allergic infants. 

In summary, the corn allergy population can consume very few processed foods; and no commercially-processed non-organic meat, poultry, seafood, produce, or fruit due to government-authorized corn-derived acid washes.  Many corn-allergic patients must have their medications compounded to exclude corn; and since tap water may contain corn due to corn-derived purification chemicals, many are forced to purchase other sources of corn-free water.  In addition, it is difficult trying to find a water filtration system that is not manufactured with corn-derived components.

Therefore, the primary message I am sharing with these hospitals/health systems is that it will now be their responsibility to provide corn-free foods, fluids, and medications (compounded to exclude corn-derived ingredients) to corn-allergic patients.  Otherwise, it could be interpreted that hospitals are discriminating against the corn allergy community.

After one of the state hospital associations informed me that it was not their responsibility to contact their member hospitals with our corn allergy awareness message/documentation, and instructed me to contact every hospital within the United States; I have been contacting hospitals/health systems in each state on behalf of the corn-allergic patients.

AFC Urgent Care High Point, @afcHighPoint
Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington (see Cone Health)
Alleghany Memorial Hospital, Sparta, online contact form
American Medical Association, @AmerMedicalAssn
American Red Cross, @RedCross
Angel Medical Center/Mission Health, Franklin, online contact form (left message w/Mgr., Pharmacy, 828-524-8411)
Annie Penn Hospital, Reidsville (see Cone Health)
Appalachian Regional Healthcare System, Boone, @apprhs 
Ascension, U.S., @Ascensionorg 
Ashe Memorial Hospital, Jefferson, Email:
Asheville Specialty Hospital/Mission Health, Asheville, online contact form (spoke w/Dir. of Nursing, 828-213-5400)
Asheville VA Medical Center (see Charles George VA Medical Center)
Behavioral Health Hospital, Greensboro (see Cone Health)
Betsy Johnson Hospital, Dunn (see Harnett Health)
Blue Ridge Regional Hospital/Mission Health, Spruce Pine, online contact form (left message w/Risk Mgmt. Dept., 828-765-4201)
Brunswick Medical Center/Novant Health, Supply (see Novant Health)
Caldwell UNC Health Care, Lenoir, online contact form
Cancer Research Institute, USA, @CancerResearch
Cannon Memorial Hospital, Linville (see Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital)
Cape Fear Valley Behavioral Health Care, Fayetteville (see Cape Fear Valley Health System)
Cape Fear Valley Bladen County Hospital, Elizabethtown (see Cape Fear Valley Health System)
Cape Fear Valley Health System, Fayetteville, @capefearvalley
Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, Fayetteville (see Cape Fear Valley Health System)
Cape Fear Valley Rehabilitation Center, Fayetteville (see Cape Fear Valley Health System)
CarePartners Rehabilitation Hospital/CarePartners Health Services, Asheville, @CarePartnersHea
CarolinaEast Medical Center, New Bern, online contact form
Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospital at Kings Mountain, Kings Mountain, Email:
Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospital at Pineville, Charlotte, Email:
Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospital at University, Charlotte, Email:
Carolinas HealthCare System Anson, Wadesboro (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas HealthCare System Blue Ridge Morganton, Morganton, Email:
Carolinas HealthCare System Cleveland, Shelby (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas HealthCare System Kings Mountain, Kings Mountain (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas HealthCare System Lincoln, Lincolnton (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas HealthCare System NorthEast, Concord (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas HealthCare System Pineville, Charlotte (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas HealthCare System Stanly, Albemarle (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas HealthCare System Union, Monroe (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas HealthCare System University, Charlotte (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas HealthCare System, @Carolinas
Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas Rehabilitation Mt. Holly, Belmont (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas Rehabilitation NorthEast, Concord (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
Carolinas Rehabilitation, Charlotte (see Carolinas HealthCare System)
CaroMont Health, Gastonia, @CaroMontHealth
CaroMont Regional Medical Center, Gastonia (see CaroMont Health)
Carteret Health Care, Morehead City, @CarteretHealth 
Catawba Valley Medical Center, Hickory, online contact form 
Central Carolina Hospital, Sanford (see Duke LifePoint Healthcare)
Central Harnett Hospital, Lillington (see Harnett Health)
Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital, Linville (see Appalachian Regional Healthcare System)
Charles George VA Medical Center, Ashville, @AshevilleVAMC
Charlotte Orthopaedic Hospital/Novant Health, Charlotte (see Novant Health) 
Chatham Hospital, Siler City (see UNC Health Care)
Children's Hospital Association, USA, @hospitals4kids
Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, USA, @cmnnj       
Coastal Carolinas Health Alliance, Wilmington, @CCHAlliance 
Columbus Regional Healthcare System, Whiteville, @CRHealthcare
Community Hospital Corporation (CHC), multi-state, @CHCCORP1
Cone Health, Greensboro, @ConeHealth 
Davie County Hospital, Mocksville (see Wake Forest Baptist Health)
Davis Regional Medical Center, Statesville, online contact form
Dosher Memorial Hospital, Southport  (left message w/Pharmacy Dept., 910-457-3800)
Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, @DukeCancer
Duke Health, Durham, @DukeHealth  
Duke LifePoint Healthcare (multi-state), Email:
Duke Raleigh Hospital, Raleigh, @dukeraleigh
Duke Regional Hospital, Durham (see Duke Health)
Duke University Hospital, Durham (see Duke Health)
Durham VA Medical Center, Durham, @VeteransHealth
Fayetteville VA Medical Center, Fayetteville, @VeteransHealth
FirstHealth Montgomery Memorial Hospital, Troy (see FirstHealth of the Carolinas)
FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital and Pinehurst Treatment, Pinehurst (see FirstHealth of the Carolinas)
FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital Hoke Campus, Raeford (see FirstHealth of the Carolinas)
FirstHealth of the Carolinas, NC/SC, @FirstHealth 
FirstHealth Richmond Memorial Hospital, Rockingham (see FirstHealth of the Carolinas)
Foley Center at Chestnut Ridge, The, Blowing Rock (see Appalachian Regional Healthcare System)
Forsyth Medical Center/Novant Health, Winston-Salem (see Novant Health)
Frye Regional Medical Center, Hickory (see Duke LifePoint Healthcare)
Granville Health System, Oxford, @GHShospital
Halifax Regional Medical Center, Roanoke, Email:
Harnett Health System, Dunn, @HarnettHealth  
Harris Regional Hospital, Sylva, @Harris_Regional
Haywood Regional Medical Center, Clyde, @HaywoodRegional
High Point Regional Health, High Point (see UNC Health Care)  
Highlands-Cashiers Hospital/Mission Health, Highlands, online contact form (left message w/Admin. Mgr., Clinical Operations, 828-526-1200)
Highsmith-Rainey Specialty Hospital, Fayetteville (see Cape Fear Valley Health System)
Hoke Hospital, Raeford (see Cape Fear Valley Health System)
Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital, Elkin, @HughChatham
Huntersville Medical Center/Novant Health, Huntersville (see Novant Health)
Iredell Memorial Hospital, Statesville, @IredellHS
James and Connie Maynard Children's Hospital, Greenville (see Vidant Health)
Johnston UNC Health Care, Johnston County, @johnstonhealth
Kernersville Medical Center/Novant Health, Kernersville (see Novant Health)
Kindred Hospital - Greensboro/Kindred Healthcare, @kindredhealth
Lake Norman Regional Medical Center, Mooresville, online contact form
Lenoir Memorial Hospital, Kinston, Email:
Levine Children's Hospital, Charlotte, @LevineChildrens
Lexington Medical Center, Lexington (see Wake Forest Baptist Health)
LifeCare Hospitals of North Carolina (multi-state), Rocky Mount, @LifeCare_Health
Maria Parham Medical Center, Henderson (see Duke LifePoint Healthcare) 
Martin General Hospital, Williamston, online contact form
Matthews Medical Center/Novant Health, Matthews (see Novant Health)
McDowell Hospital/Mission Health, Marion, online contact form (left message w/Admin. Dept., 828-659-5000)
MedCenter High Point, High Point (see Cone Health)
MedCenter Kernersville, Kernersville (see Cone Health)
MedCenter Mebane, Mebane (see Cone Health)
Medical Park Hospital/Novant Health, Winston-Salem (see Novant Halth)
Memorial Mission Hospital and Asheville Surgery Center, Asheville (see Mission Health)
Mission Children's Hospital/Mission Health, Asheville, @MissionChildren
Mission Health, Ashville, @MissionHealthNC [BLOCKED MY TWITTER ACCT]; (spoke w/Risk Mgt. Dept., 828-213-1111)
Mission Hospital/Mission Health, Asheville, online contact form (left message w/Clinical Resources Dir., 828-213-9417)
Morehead Memorial Hospital, Eden (left message w/Mgr., Quality & Risk, 336-623-9711)
Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, Greensboro (see Cone Health)
Murphy Medical Center, Murphy (spoke w/Risk Mgmt. Dept., 828-837-8161)
Nash Health Care/UNC Health Care, Rocky Mount, online contact form
New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NHRMC), Wilmington, @nhrmc
North Carolina Institute of Medicine, Morrisville, @NCIOM 
North Carolina Specialty Hospital, Durham, online contact form 
Northern Hospital of Surry County, Mount Airy, @FollowMeNHSC
Novant Health, @NovantHealth  
Onslow Hospital, Jacksonville, @OnslowHospital
Our Community Hospital/Bryan Health & Rehabilitation, Scotland Neck, Email:
Outer Banks Hospital, The, Nags Head, @OBXHospital
Pardee Hospital/UNC Health Care, Hendersonville, @PardeeHospital
Park Ridge Health, Hendersonville, @ParkRidgeHealth
Pender Memorial Hospital, Burgaw (see New Hanover Regional Medical Center)
Person Memorial Hospital, Roxboro (see Duke LifePoint Healthcare)  
Pioneer Community Hospital of Stokes, Danbury (left message w/Mgr., Quality Improvement/Risk Mgmt., 336-593-2831)
Pioneer Health Services, multi-state, online contact form 
Presbyterian Medical Center/Novant Health, Charlotte (see Novant Health)
Randolph Health, Asheboro, @randolphhealth
Rowan Medical Center/Novant Health, Salisbury (see Novant Health)
Rutherford Regional Health System, Rutherfordton (see Duke LifePoint Healthcare)
Sampson Regional Medical Center, Clinton, @SampsonRMC
Scotland Health Care System, Laurinburg, @SHCS_nc + online contact form
Scotland Memorial Hospital and Edwin Morgan Center, Laurinburg, online contact form
Select Medical (multi-state), @SelectM
Select Specialty Hospital/Select Medical, Durham, online contact form
Select Specialty Hospital/Select Medical, Greensboro, online contact form
Select Specialty Hospital/Select Medical, Winston-Salem, online contact form
Sentara Albemarle Medical Center, Elizabeth City (see Sentara Healthcare)
Sentara Healthcare, NC/VA, @sentarahealth
Seymour Johnson AFB Facility, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, @SJAFB
Shriners Hospitals for Children, USA, Canada, Mexico, @shrinershosp  
Southeastern Regional Medical Center, Lumberton (left message w/Risk Mgmt. Dept., 910-671-5000)
St. Luke's Hospital, Columbus, @SaintLukesNC
Swain County Hospital, Bryson City, @Harris_Swain
Thomasville Medical Center/Novant Health, Thomasville (see Novant Health)
Transylvania Regional Hospital/Mission Health, Brevard, online contact form (left message w/Quality & Safety Mgr., 828-884-9111)
Trinity Health (21 States), @TrinityHealthMI 
UNC Children's Hospital, Chapel Hill, @uncchildrens
UNC Health Care, Chapel Hill, @UNC_Health_Care
Important Update: UNC Health Care, @UNC_Health_Care, blocked my Twitter account.  If seeking care w/UNC Health Care, you must have your corn allergy documentation w/you at all times. 
UNC Lenoir Health Care (see Lenoir Memorial Hospital)
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chapel Hill, @UNC_Lineberger
UNC Medical Center, Chapel Hill (see UNC Health Care)
UNC Physicians Network (UNCPN), Morrisville, @uncpn
UNC Research, Chapel Hill, @UNCResearch
UNC REX Healthcare, Raleigh, @RexHealthcare 
UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, @UNC_SOM
Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS), multi-state, @UHS_Inc
Vidant Beaufort Hospital, Washington  (see Vidant Health)
Vidant Bertie Hospital, Windsor (see Vidant Health)
Vidant Chowan Hospital, Edenton  (see Vidant Health)
Vidant Duplin Hospital, Kenansville (see Vidant Health)
Vidant Edgecombe Hospital, Tarboro (see Vidant Health)
Vidant Health, Greenville, @Vidant_Health
Vidant Medical Center, Greenville (see Vidant Health)
Vidant Roanoke-Chowan Hospital, Ahoskie (see Vidant Health)
W.G. (Bill) Hefner VA Medical Center, Salisbury, @SalisburyVAMC
Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston-Salem, @wakehealth
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem (see Wake Forest Baptist Health)
WakeMed (multi-locations), @WakeMed 
Washington County Hospital, Plymouth (spoke w/hospital pharmacy associate, 252-793-4135)
Watauga Medical Center, Boone (see Appalachian Regional Healthcare System)   
Wayne Memorial Hospital/UNC Health Care, Goldsboro, @WayneHealthNC
Wesley Long Hospital, Greensboro (see Cone Health)
Wilkes Regional Medical Center, North Wilkesboro (see Wake Forest Baptist Health) 
Wilson Medical Center/Duke LifePoint Healthcare, Wilson (online contact form)
Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, @WomackAMC
Women's Hospital, Greensboro (see Cone Health)

Published Corn Allergy Studies/Statistics  (“. . . Maize major allergen . . .”)

Baxter Labs specifically warns about administering dextrose IV fluids to corn-allergic patients.
 "Solutions containing dextrose should be used with caution, if at all, in patients with known allergy to corn or corn products." - Page 3

"Probable anaphylactic reaction to corn-derived dextrose solution."

BCPharmacists, "Warning: corn-related allergens . . ."


“Corn Products and Derivatives List,” Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), 6/6/17

Corn Allergy Statistics (Monthly)

Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources



  1. Thank you for advocating for this cause!!

  2. You are very welcome, Ambar! Only a few states remain to be completed. It's been worth every minute that I have spent on this effort over the last 3 years (nearly 30,000 views on my blog from around the globe, so our corn allergy awareness message is finally being recognized). Bless you!


Yashoda Hospitals Intentionally Endangering the Lives of Corn-Allergic Patients

Yashoda Hospitals: Patient Caution Yashoda Hospitals: A Threat to the Safety of Corn-Allergic Patients https://yashodahospitalspatientcautio...