Friday, June 30, 2017

South Carolina Hospitals/Health Systems Contacted

(Updated 3/19/22)

I continue to read personal testimonies from members of our corn allergy support groups documenting that medical personnel continue to administer corn sugar (dextrose/D-glucose)-containing IV fluids to corn-allergic patients in direct violation of the contraindication warning on the package insert.  It is also apparent that too many medical professionals do not understand that dextrose is the chemical name for corn sugar produced from cornstarch (D-glucose), 21CFR184.1857, which can prove fatal to anyone with an IgE-mediated allergy to corn.

Glucose: blood sugar (lifeblood of all living organisms)
D-Glucose: synthetic glucose (lab-created from cornstarch); analog/enantiomer of glucose (NOT identical)
L-Glucose: synthetic glucose (lab-created), analog/enantiomer of glucose (NOT identical)

The most heartbreaking testimonies are from parents of corn-allergic infants, many of whom have been diagnosed with "failure to thrive" due to the lack of corn-free infant formulas.  Hospitals have NO alternative safe sources of corn-free nutrition to feed to these struggling babies, and their pediatricians/dietitians cannot offer any assistance to parents of corn-allergic infants. 

In summary, the corn allergy population can consume very few processed foods; and no commercially-processed non-organic meat, poultry, seafood, produce, or fruit due to government-authorized corn-derived acid washes.  Many corn-allergic patients must have their medications compounded to exclude corn; and since tap water may contain corn due to corn-derived purification chemicals, many are forced to purchase other sources of corn-free water.  In addition, it is difficult trying to find a water filtration system that is not manufactured with corn-derived components.

Therefore, the primary message I am sharing with these hospitals/health systems is that it will now be their responsibility to provide corn-free foods, fluids, and medications (compounded to exclude corn-derived ingredients) to corn-allergic patients.  Otherwise, it could be interpreted that hospitals are discriminating against the corn allergy community.

After one of the state hospital associations informed me that it was not their responsibility to contact their member hospitals with our corn allergy awareness message/documentation, and instructed me to contact every hospital within the United States; I have been contacting hospitals/health systems in each state on behalf of the corn-allergic patients.

Abbeville Area Medical Center, Abbeville (spoke w/Nursing Admin. Dept., 864-366-5011)
Aiken Regional Medical Center (UHS), Aiken, @AikenRegionalMC
Allendale County Hospital, Fairfax, online contact form
American Medical Association, @AmerMedicalAssn
American Red Cross, @RedCross
AnMed Health (multi-locations), @AnMed_Health
AnMed Health Cannon (see AnMedHealth)
AnMed Health Medical Center, Anderson (see AnMedHealth)
AnMed Health Rehabilitation Hospital, Anderson (see AnMedHealth)
AnMed Health Women & Children's Hospital, Anderson (see AnMedHealth)
Ascension, USA, @Ascensionorg
Baptist Easley Hospital/Greenville Health System), Easley (left message w/Mgr., Quality & Risk Mgmt., 864-442-7200)
Beaufort Memorial Hospital, Beaufort, @BeaufortMem
Bon Secours Health System (multi-state), @bshsi
Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital, Charleston (see Roper St. Frances)
Cancer Research Institute, USA, @CancerResearch
Cannon Memorial Hospital, Pickens (see AnMed Health Cannon)
Capella Healthcare (see RCCH HealthCare Partners)
Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center, Hartsville (left message w/Quality Dept., 843-339-2100)
Carolinas Hospital System - Marion, Mullins, online contact form
Carolinas Hospital System, Florence, online contact form
Centre Pointe Emergency, Charleston (see Trident Health)
Chester Regional Medical Center, Chester, online contact form
Children's Hospital Association, USA, @hospitals4kids
Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, USA, @cmnnj
Clarendon Memorial Hospital, Manning (see McLeod Health Clarendon)
Coastal Carolina Hospital, Hardeeville, @coasthospital
Colleton Medical Center, Walterboro, online contact form
ContinueCARE Hospital at Palmetto Health Baptist, Columbia, online contact form
Conway Medical Center, Conway, online contact form
East Cooper Medical Center, Mount Pleasant, @ECooperMedMtr
Edgefield County Hospital, Edgefield  (left message w/Dir. of Quality & Utilization Review, 803-637-3174)
Ernest Health (multi-state), online contact form
Fairfield Memorial Hospital Winnsboro (spoke w/Admin. Dept., 803-635-5548)
FirstHealth of the Carolinas, NC/SC, @FirstHealth
Georgetown Memorial Hospital, Georgetown (see Tidelands Health)
Grand Strand Medical Center, Myrtle Beach, @GrandStrand_SC
Greenville Health System (GHS) Children's Hospital, Greenville, @ghs_childrens  
Greenville Health System (GHS), Greenville, @ghs_org          
Greenville Memorial Hospital, Greenville (see Greenville Health System)
Greenwood Regional Rehabilitation Hospital/Ernest Health, Greenwood, online contact form
Greer Memorial Hospital, Greer (see Greenville Health System)
Hampton Regional Medical Center, Varnville, online contact form
HCA Healthcare, @HCAhealthcare
HCA South Atlantic, Charleston, online contact form
HealthSouth (multi-state), @healthsouth
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Charleston, Charleston, online contact form
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Columbia, Columbia, online contact form
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Florence, Florence, online contact form
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Rock Hill, Rock Hill, online contact form
Hillcrest Memorial Hospital, Simpsonville (see Greenville Health System)
Hilton Head Hospital, Hilton Head Island, @hiltonheadhosp
Hollings Cancer Center, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, @muschollings
KershawHealth Medical Center, Camden, @KershawHealthSC
Lake City Community Hospital, Lake City, online contact form
Laurens County Memorial Hospital, Clinton (see Greenville Health System)
Lexington Medical Center, West Columbia, @LexMedCtr
Low Country Health Care System, Inc., Barnwell, online contact form
Mary Black Health System, Gaffney, online contact form
Mary Black Health System, Spartanburg, online contact form
McLeod Health (multi-locations), @McLeodHealth
Medical University of South Carolina Hospital, Charleston (see MUSC Health)
Moncks Corner Medical Center, Moncks Corner (see Trident Health)
Moncrief Army Health Clinic, Jackson, @MoncriefACH
Mount Pleasant Hospital (see Roper St. Francis)
MUSC Children's Hospital, Charleston, @MUSCkids
MUSC Health, Charleston, @MUSChealth
Newberry County Memorial Hospital, Newberry (left message w/Risk Mgmt./Quality, 803-276-7570)
North Greenville Hospital, Travelers Rest (see Greenville Health System)
Oconee Medical Center, Seneca (see Greenville Health System)
Palmetto Health Baptist Parkridge, Columbia (see Palmetto Health)
Palmetto Health Baptist, Columbia (see Palmetto Health)
Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, Columbia (see Palmetto Health)
Palmetto Health Heart Hospital, Columbia (see Palmetto Health)
Palmetto Health Richland, Columbia (see Palmetto Health)
Palmetto Health Tuomey, Sumter (see Palmetto Health)
Palmetto Health, Columbia, @PalmettoHealth
Patewood Memorial Hospital, Greenville (see Greenville Health System)
Pelham Medical Center, Greer (see Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System)
Piedmont Medical Center, Rock Hill, @PiedmontMedical
Providence Health - Northeast, Columbia (see Providence Health)
Providence Health (Downtown), Columbia (see Providence Health)
Providence Health, Columbia, @ProvHospSC
Ralph H Johnson Va Medical Center, Charleston, @CharlestonVAMC
RCCH HealthCare Partners (13 states), online contact form
Regency Hospital of Greenville, (see Select Medical)
Regency Hospital of South Carolina, Florence (see Select Medical)
Regional Medical Center, Orangeburg, @RMCOrangeburg
RegionalCare Hospital Partners (see RCCH HealthCare Partners)
Roper Hospital, Berkeley (see Roper St. Francis)
Roper Hospital, Charleston (see Roper St. Francis)
Roper Rehabilitation Hospital, Charleston (see Roper St. Francis)
Roper St. Francis (5 locations), @RoperStFrancis
Roper St. Francis Mount Pleasant Hospital, Mount Pleasant (see Roper St. Francis)
Select Medical (multi-state), @SelectM
Self Regional Healthcare, Greenwood, @SelfRegional
Shriners Hospitals for Children, Greenville, @SHCGreenville
Shriners Hospitals for Children, USA, Canada, Mexico, @shrinershosp
Spartanburg Hospital for Restorative Care, Spartanburg (see Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System)
Spartanburg Medical Center, Spartanburg (see Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System)
Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, Spartanburg, @SptbgRegional
Spartanburg Rehabilitation Institute/Ernest Health, Spartanburg, online contact form
Springs Memorial Hospital, Lancaster, online contact form
St. Francis Hospital - Downtown, Greenville (see Bon Secours Health System)
St. Francis Hospital - Eastside, Greenville (see Bon Secours Health System)
Strand Urgent Care (multi-locations), @urgentcare843
Summerville Medical Center, Summerville (see Trident Health)
Tidelands Georgetown Memorial Hospital, Georgetown (see Tidelands Health)
Tidelands Health (multi-locations), @tidelandshealth
Tidelands Waccamaw Community Hospital, Murrells Inlet (see Tidelands Health)
Trident Health, North Charleston, @TridentHealthPR
Trident Medical Center, North Charleston (see Trident Health)
Tuomey Regional Medical Center, Sumter (see Palmetto Health)
Union Medical Center, Union (see Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System)
Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS), multi-state, (@UHS_Inc
VA Medical Center, Columbia, @VAMCColumbiaSC
Vibra Healthcare (multi-state), @VibraHealthcare
Vibra Hospital of Charleston, Mount Pleasant (see Vibra Healthcare)
Waccamaw Community Hospital, Murrells Inlet (see Tidelands Health)

Published Corn Allergy Studies/Statistics  (“. . . Maize major allergen . . .”)

Baxter Labs specifically warns about administering dextrose IV fluids to corn-allergic patients.
 "Solutions containing dextrose should be used with caution, if at all, in patients with known allergy to corn or corn products." - Page 3

"Probable anaphylactic reaction to corn-derived dextrose solution."

BCPharmacists, "Warning: corn-related allergens . . ."


“Corn Products and Derivatives List,” Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), 6/6/17

Corn Allergy Statistics (Monthly)

Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources


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