Monday, March 21, 2016

Patient Safety Organization (PSO) Program

The Patient Safety Organization (PSO) Program is administered through AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality), under the United States Department of Health & Human Services; and appears to be an important resource for the corn-allergic community.

The Facebook page for AHRQ is: (I messaged them 2/29/16.)

AHRQ Website Link: "There are 81 total PSOs in 28 states and the District of Columbia currently listed by AHRQ."

Patient Safety Organization (PSO): (Wikipedia)
"In response to a 2002 World Health Assembly Resolution, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the World Alliance for Patient Safety in October 2004. The goal was to develop standards for patient safety and assist UN member states to improve the safety of health care.[2] The Alliance raises awareness and political commitment to improve the safety of care and facilitates the development of patient safety policy and practice in all WHO Member States. Each year, the Alliance delivers a number of programmes covering systemic and technical aspects to improve patient safety around the world."

"The organizations that developed ranged from governmental to private, and some founded by industry, professional or consumer groups. Common functions of patient safety organizations are data collection and analysis, reporting, education, funding and advocacy."

"United States[edit]
On July 29, 2005, the United States Congress established guidelines for Patient Safety Organizations under the Patient Safety Quality Act of 2005.[14] The focus of the legislation is to provide incentives for clinicians to participate in voluntary initiatives to improve the outcomes of patient care, provide information about the underlying causes of errors in the delivery of health care, and to disseminate this information in order to speed the pace of improvement."

Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources

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