Friday, May 3, 2019

Pure Encapsulations® / Reported Corn Allergy Reactions

Over the last several years, there have been many reported corn allergy reactions to some of the Pure Encapsulations® supplements by members of our online corn allergy groups of over 11K members.  These supplements are manufactured by Atrium Innovations, Inc., and they list their other brands as Garden of Life®, Wobenzym®, AOV, Douglas Laboratories®, Genestra Brands, Klean Athlete®, Minami, Orthica, Pharmax, and Tropic

My April 30, 2019 Inquiry:

"Your products are often mentioned in our corn allergy groups of over 11K members. One of our members just mentioned that her physician contacted your company to inquire if any of your products contain corn (she should have asked if your products contain any ingredients DERIVED from corn). Her physician was told that none of your products contain corn; however, many of our members have reported corn allergy reactions to your products.

For the safety of the corn allergy community, we would like to finally resolve this issue. Do your products contain any corn-derived ingredients?

Thank you!"

Their May 1, 2019 Reply:

"Hello Diane,

Many of our ingredients, including vitamin C, B12 and B2 are derived from corn dextrose fermentation. This process starts with isolating dextrose from corn (a sugar, so does not contain allergenic corn protein), which is then fed to micro-organisms. The micro-organisms produce these nutrients, and the nutrients are then isolated and purified away from the starting materials.  While no corn proteins or sugar remain in the final product (and we have tested with negative results), we do not routinely test for corn allergens and therefore we would not be able to guarantee its safety for someone with a corn allergy.  I would add if you have a specific product in mind, please ask and I can investigate further."

My Personal Recommendation:

If you are allergic to corn, I would personally avoid consuming any of their products (including products from their other noted brands).  I have previously contacted Garden of Life® and Douglas Laboratories®.  Both companies confirmed that many of their products contain corn-derived ingredients; and, therefore, recommended that they be avoided by the corn allergy community.

I am concerned with their comment that dextrose [the sugar derived from corn] "does not contain allergenic corn protein."  If this were true, dextrose IV fluid would not contain a warning that dextrose IV fluid should not be administered to corn-allergic patients.  In addition, one of my most critical corn allergy reactions was to Morton's iodized salt.  Morton's confirmed that iodized salt contains corn-derived dextrose.   

Reference Documents:

After reading disturbing testimonies by members of our corn allergy groups that physicians insisted upon administering dextrose IV fluid to corn-allergic patients requiring immediate intervention with an antihistamine, it took me three years to forward the following product information sheet from Baxter Labs to our nation’s hospitals and colleges of medicine for the safety of corn-allergic patients.  One physician actually told a patient that “no one can be allergic to dextrose.”  Their lack of knowledge can endanger patients’ lives.  

After a compounding pharmacist told a corn-allergic patient that “cornstarch is not really corn,” I contacted the majority of world-wide pharmaceutical companies and our nation’s colleges of pharmacy.

Baxter Labs specifically warns about administering dextrose IV fluids to corn-allergic patients.
"Solutions containing dextrose should be used with caution, if at all, in patients with known allergy to corn or corn products." - Page 3

BCPharmacists, "Warning: corn-related allergens . . ."

"Probable anaphylactic reaction to corn-derived dextrose solution."

Removing a Food Protein Does Not Guarantee an Allergen Hypoallergenic

United States Hospitals/Health Systems Contacted Re: Protocol for Treating Corn-Allergic Patients

Pharmaceutical Companies Contacted Re: Protocol for Treating Corn-Allergic Patients

Colleges of Medicine Contacted Re: Protocol for Treating Corn-Allergic Patients

Colleges of Pharmacy Contacted Re: Protocol for Treating Corn-Allergic Patients

Critical Corn Allergy References, Studies, Statistics, & Petitions
(Includes my submission to The Joint Commission, Congress, FDA, & U.S. Dept. of Health requesting emergency mandate that hospitals stock corn-free foods, liquids, & drugs.)

Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources


  1. Thank you so much for all you do for the many of us with corn allergy.

    1. You're welcome, Bren. I'm currently investigating companies who list dextrose as an ingredient in their products; e.g., Beanitos, PureVia, etc., yet they claim the product is "corn free." Some companies have complied with our request to remove their "corn-free" claims; however, some are still reluctant to comply. Please let me know if you would like me to investigate any other corn allergy issues.


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