Friday, February 9, 2018

free2b Oral Challenge for Corn/Corn-Derived Ingredients

I have been conducting oral challenges of products advertised as "corn free" by the manufacturer.  If I experience a corn allergy reaction, I then file reports with the manufacturer, the FDA, and the FTC. 

I conducted an oral challenge today of free2b "Snack Breaks, Cranberry Pumpkin Seed Dark Chocolate," and didn't experience any allergic reaction (pleasantly surprised!).  Although I have discovered this product is "safe for me," it may not be safe for everyone. 

For allergy comparison, my corn allergy tested at 1+ on skin-scratch testing in 2011; however, my reactions to corn/corn derivatives have significantly escalated in the last couple of years.

In the event you experience a corn allergy reaction to a product that is labeled "corn free," refer to instructions for filing reports in the following links:

Non-FDA-Compliant "Corn-Free" Claims (Revised 11/16/17); Title 21 U.S.C. - Section 343, Chapter 1 - Adulterated or Misbranded Foods or Drugs

FTC Filing a Complaint to Report False and Misleading Labeling

  I strongly recommend that you do not attempt any oral food challenges unless you are in the presence of your physician.

Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources

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The intentional endangerment of corn-allergic citizens by U.S. regulatory agencies. [DOCUMENTED]

I was diagnosed with an IgE-mediated allergy to corn in 2011, and have been a full-time corn allergy advocate/researcher since 2014. My pu...