Saturday, February 10, 2018

Bluebonnet Nutritional Corporation Oral Challenge for Corn/Corn-Derived Ingredients

I have been conducting oral challenges of products advertised as "corn free" by the manufacturer.  If I experience a corn allergy reaction, I then file reports with the manufacturer, the FDA, and the FTC. 

January 31, 2018
Failed oral challenge of Bluebonnet B-Complex 50 Capsules
UPC Code 743715004122
Lot #70601201
EXP 0620

I took one capsule at 3:07 pm, and my corn allergy reaction began at 3:28 pm. Since this product was labeled as “free from corn,” I left a message with Bluebonnet Nutritional Corporation at 3:45 pm. My reaction to this product was a rapidly-expanding belly (very uncomfortable), with another "corn baby" developing.  I took an antihistamine at 4 pm. 

I received a call from Marilyn, Customer Service Manager for Bluebonnet Nutritional Corporation; and after conducting further research, they discovered that the inositol is grown on phytin which is derived from corn. Therefore, they are removing their corn-free claims from their website and packaging in the near future.  I thanked her for their efforts on behalf of the corn allergy community.

In the event you experience a corn allergy reaction to a product that is labeled "corn free," refer to instructions for filing reports in the following links:

Non-FDA-Compliant "Corn-Free" Claims (Revised 11/16/17); Title 21 U.S.C. - Section 343, Chapter 1 - Adulterated or Misbranded Foods or Drugs

FTC Filing a Complaint to Report False and Misleading Labeling

  I strongly recommend that you do not attempt any oral food challenges unless you are in the presence of your physician.

UPDATE JUNE 18, 2018:
I filed an adverse reaction report with the FDA.

Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources

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