Friday, August 12, 2022

My August 5, 2022, Certified Letter to the FDA Commissioner Re: HFCS (Essential for Human Survival?)

 August 5, 2022

Robert M. Califf, M.D. (CERTIFIED)
Commissioner of Food and Drugs
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD  20993

Re:  The FDA is implying that consuming HFCS is essential for our survival!

Dear Dr. Califf:

The FDA declares in this article that HFCS (made from cornstarch) is ". . . essentially 100% glucose." [emphasis added]  Glucose is blood sugar naturally present in all living organisms, and is essential for their survival.  Therefore, the FDA is implying that consuming HFCS is essential for our survival. 

This article should read:  ". . . essentially 100% D-glucose." [emphasis added]

    Glucose = blood sugar essential for the survival of all living organisms
    D-Glucose = laboratory-created form of sugar produced from cornstarch (dextrose)
    L-Glucose = laboratory-created form of sugar

Sugars that are produced from cornstarch (dextrose/D-glucose) can never be naturally present in the human body, and must never be equated with glucose (blood sugar).


The following critical error was discovered in 21CFR182.1866 (a), which endangers the lives of corn-allergic citizens.

21CFR182.1866 (a), High Fructose Corn Syrup

"Sec. 182.1866 High fructose corn syrup

(a) Product. High fructose corn syrup is a sweet, nutritive saccharide mixture containing approximately 52 percent (dry weight) glucose, 43 percent (dry weight) fructose, and 5 percent (dry weight) other saccharides. It is prepared as a clear aqueous solution from high dextrose equivalent corn starch hydrolysate by partial enzymatic conversion of glucose (dextrose) [emphasis added] to fructose utilizing an insoluble glucose isomerase enzyme preparation described in Sec. 184.1372 of this chapter."

The FDA is erroneously equating blood sugar naturally present in all living organisms (glucose) with corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch (dextrose/D-glucose) in this CFR.

(a) ". . . conversion of glucose (dextrose) [emphasis added] to fructose . . .?

Since dextrose is defined as corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch/D-glucose in 21CFR184.1857, the FDA must correct this statement to read:

". . . conversion of corn sugar (dextrose) to fructose , . ." —OR—

". . . conversion of D-glucose (dextrose) to fructose  . ."

Both of the following references require correction.

Dr. Califf, for the safety of corn-allergic citizens, your immediate attention is requested in this critical matter.  


Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources
Twitter: @CornAllergy911


The FDA is implying that consuming HFCS is essential for our survival! / Quora Surveys

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