Wednesday, April 7, 2021

PETITION: Demand that correct their definition of dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose) for the safety of corn-allergic patients

CRITICAL UPDATE, June 18, 2021:

As of April 20, 2021, corrected their erroneous definition of dextrose. However, another entity has intervened; and is once again endangering the lives of corn-allergic citizens by falsely claiming that dextrose can be sourced from products other than corn.  They are also exposing clinicians to potential liability as a result of this false and misleading claim.

The ONLY source of dextrose is corn.

Dextrose is corn sugar, 21CFR184.1857, and can prove fatal to anyone with an IgE-mediated allergy to corn. 


 I have filed numerous appeals with via Twitter to revise their definition of “Dextrose” which endangers the lives of corn-allergic patients (and consumers), since they are equating dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose) with blood sugar naturally present in all living organisms (glucose).  Since they have refused to comply with my appeals, I have filed the following petition against them, which I am also distributing to my applicable global contacts. 

PETITION: Demand that Drugs dot com correct their definition of dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose) for the safety of corn-allergic patients.
[This petition does not solicit donations.]

On behalf of the corn allergy community, we thank you for your support in this critical initiative.


Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources
Twitter:  @CornAllergy911

Additional Reference:

Corn Allergy References, Surveys, Studies (“. . . Maize major allergen . . .”), Statistics, & Petitions


Blog Post Reference Link:

PETITION: Demand that Drugs dot com correct their definition of dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose) for the safety of corn-allergic patients


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