Thursday, April 13, 2017

Natural Flavors

"Similarly, persons with known sensitivities or allergies to food products are advised to avoid foods that contain generic "natural flavors" or to first determine the source of the flavoring before consuming the food. [15] Such flavors may be derived from a variety of source products that are themselves common allergens . . ."

Note the statement:  ". . . first determine the source of the flavoring before consuming the food."

The corn allergy population must contact food manufacturers to inquire about the presence of corn/corn derivatives in their products (often added under "natural flavors").  However, many manufacturers claim "proprietary formulations;" and will not release this information to the public.  For the protection of all consumers, food manufacturers should be required to release this information--UPON REQUEST--in an effort to avoid a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.

Contact me if a food manufacturer refuses to disclose if corn/corn derivatives are in their product(s), upon request.

Corn-derived ANYTHING (dextrose, citric acid, ascorbic acid, etc.) can be fatal to the anaphylactic corn allergy population.  Medical professionals, as well, must understand the critical difference between dextrose and corn-derived dextrose, citric acid and corn-derived citric acid, ascorbic acid and corn-derived ascorbic acid, etc.

Citric Acid:
"The source of sugar is corn steep liquor, molasses, hydrolyzed corn starch or other inexpensive sugary solutions."

"Maltodextrin can be enzymatically derived from any starch. In the US, this starch is usually corn; in Europe, it is commonly wheat."

Ascorbic Acid:
"Another wake up call about ascorbic acid – it is synthesized from corn syrup."

Dextrose (Corn Sugar):

Enriched Foods:
The corn allergy population must avoid "enriched" foods, due to processing with added corn/corn derivatives.  "Enriched" usually indicates the probable presence of corn.

Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources


  1. It might be easy to assume that you have chronic GERD or acid reflux, but it might also be just a symptom of something else. That “something else” could be EoE – or eosinophilic esophagitis. Some of the symptoms (apart from GERD and acid reflux) include difficulty swallowing, chest pains, persistent heartburns, backflow of food that you weren’t able to digest. If these are all too familiar, check with your physician to see of you indeed have EoE! Click here for more details

    1. Beginning in 2008, it felt like all of my food was poisoning me. After a myriad of tests with my gastroenterologist, he referred me to an allergist (2011). I was diagnosed via skin-scratch tests with "adult, sudden-onset allergies." The most devastating diagnosis was my corn allergy, since corn is ubiquitous.

      While being tested by my gastroenterologist, I was diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus. It appears that corn could be a contributing factor to this diagnosis:

      "Thermo Scientific"
      "Maize has been implicated as one of the causative foods of eosinophilic esophagitis, a disorder with symptoms suggestive of gastroesophageal reflux disease but unresponsive to conventional reflux therapies (58)."

  2. When the land was first colonized, the soil was rich and natural. Since plants are like humans, they were much healthier themselves and for animals to consume. allergy treatment

    1. Unfortunately, most "natural flavors" are now made from corn derivatives; which is devastating if you're allergic to corn.


Yashoda Hospitals Intentionally Endangering the Lives of Corn-Allergic Patients

Yashoda Hospitals: Patient Caution Yashoda Hospitals: A Threat to the Safety of Corn-Allergic Patients https://yashodahospitalspatientcautio...