Tuesday, September 12, 2023

CONSUMER ALERT: Liquid I.V. is intentionally endangering the lives of corn-allergic and diabetic consumers. [DOCUMENTED]


Notice received from the California Department of Public Health that they have registered the complaint against Liquid I.V. that was filed with their agency on October 5, 2023. This company is intentionally endangering the lives of corn-allergic and diabetic citizens by deliberately ignoring the FDA’s Code of Federal Regulation 21CFR184.1857.



Reported Liquid I.V. to the California Department of Public Health.



Liquid I.V. revised their definition of dextrose that further endangers the lives of consumers with an IgE-mediated allergy to corn in addition to endangering the lives of diabetic consumers.  Again, they are refusing to acknowledge that dextrose is the chemical name for corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch/D-glucose, Code of Federal Regulation 21CFR184.1857.  Since corn sugar produced from cornstarch (dextrose/D-glucose) is extensively utilized as a glucose (blood sugar)-elevating agent in IV fluids. these IV fluids are clearly contraindicated for administration to corn-allergic patients in the package insert. 

It is important to note that this product is a glucose (blood sugar)-elevating agent.


Dextrose is a type of sugar that is chemically identical to glucose.  Glucose, is a naturally-occurring sugar compound in our bodies.  Dextrose is the most absorbable of all sugar compounds, improving the absorbability of our products into the body."


Dextrose (Corn Sugar) Facts, 21CFR184.1857



Notifications issued to Unilever USA, parent company of Liquid IV, @unileverusa, and to NBC Universal Advertising & Partnerships, @NBCUTogether.  Liquid IV advertised their products on a recent airing of AGT (America's Got Talent).

Published in a Medical Journal:

"Dextrose-containing solutions pose a significant risk to patients allergic to corn. Dextrose used for IV fluids is prepared by the simple hydrolysis of cornstarch."

CAUTION:  Liquid IV is leading consumers/patients to believe their products are identical to IV fluids administered by your physician.  FOR YOUR SAFETY, PLEASE DETERMINE THE "SOURCE" OF EACH INGREDIENT IN THEIR PRODUCTS; e.g., dextrose = cornstarch sugar, 21CFR184.1857.


"Although you can obtain empty IV bags and equipment from many online retailers and medical suppliers, you will need a medical license to obtain IV fluids."

CONSUMERS:  It is very troubling that Liquid IV is not citing the FDA's Code of Federal Regulation 21CFR184.1857 when defining "dextrose" (cornstarch sugar).

Dextrose (Corn Sugar) Facts, 21CFR184.1857

Liquid IV does not understand isomers and/or enantiomers.  It is IMPOSSIBLE for a synthetic substance to be biochemically identical to a natural substance.  Similar -- but NOT IDENTICAL.

Glucose (blood sugar essential for our survival) can NEVER be equated with cornstarch sugar (dextrose), 21CFR184.1857. Liquid IV is leading consumers to believe their dextrose products are essential for YOUR survival, when it can KILL corn-allergic consumers.

Liquid IV does not understand the critical difference between glucose (natural) and D-glucose (synthetic; cornstarch sugar). Dextrose (cornstarch sugar) can KILL anyone w/an IgE-mediated allergy to corn.

Liquid IV advertised their products on NBC during a recent airing of AGT. Alerts have been issued to NBC in an effort to protect consumers with an IgE-mediated allergy to corn. DEXTROSE (CORNSTARCH SUGAR) CAN PROVE FATAL TO CORN-ALLERGIC CONSUMERS!


September 26, 2023

Update will be posted shortly.  In the meantime, this product can PROVE FATAL to consumers with an IgE-mediated allergy to corn.

This company REFUSES to acknowledge or cite Code of Federal Regulation 21CFR184.1857 for the protection of corn-allergic consumers, and they clearly do not understand the critical difference between a "natural" vs. "synthetic" substance (manufactured in a laboratory).  

Consumer alert posted on Quora:


Liquid I.V. Consumer Alert:

Liquid I.V. is intentionally endangering the lives of corn-allergic consumers.  After I sent them an email with the correct definition of "dextrose" (the chemical name for corn sugar manufactured from allergenic cornstarch/D-glucose, 21CFR184.1857), they blocked my email address.


Dextrose is a form of glucose, which is naturally-occurring sugar compound found in our bodies. [emphasis added] It is the most absorbable of all sugar compounds, and improves the absorbability of our products into the body."

Liquid I.V. Corporate Headquarters
777 S. Aviation Blvd.
El Segundo, CA  90245
(855) 386-4021


Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources
Email:  cornallergyinitiative@gmail.com
Twitter:  @CornAllergy911



Dextrose (Corn Sugar) Facts, 21CFR184.1857

Published in a Medical Journal:
"Dextrose-containing solutions pose a significant risk to patients allergic to corn. Dextrose used for IV fluids is prepared by the simple hydrolysis of cornstarch."

Yashoda Hospitals Intentionally Endangering the Lives of Corn-Allergic Patients

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