Monday, January 25, 2021

What is the difference between glucose and D-glucose?

Updated May 31, 2021:

Glucose is blood sugar naturally present in all living organisms, and D-glucose is corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch (dextrose).

"Corn must first be converted to corn sugar (dextrose, the common commercial name for D-glucose) . . ."

Corn Sugar (Dextrose/D-Glucose), Code of Federal Regulation 21CFR184.1857

Pursuant to Code of Federal Regulation 21CFR184.1857:

Dextrose = corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch = D-glucose
Dextrose = D-glucose = corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch
Corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch = dextrose = D-glucose
Corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch = D-glucose = dextrose
D-glucose = dextrose = corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch
D-glucose = corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch = dextrose

Since dextrose (D-glucose) is corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch, it is never naturally present in food, drug/biologic products, or in the human body.

The Corn Refiners Association correctly identifies corn-derived sweeteners with the requisite “D-“ modifier (DE for dextrose equivalent).  This critical modifier has been omitted from many published articles over many decades, which is the reason that corn-derived sweeteners are being erroneously equated with blood sugar (glucose).

Nutritive Sweeteners From Corn, Corn Refiners Association, 2006

Conflicting Molecular Formulas

The conflicting molecular formulas for glucose (blood sugar) and D-glucose (corn sugar/dextrose) have been addressed in my open letter to the FDA, since these conflicting molecular formulas endanger the lives of corn-allergic consumers and patients by equating blood sugar with corn sugar.  [This blog post has been distributed globally.]

My January 6, 2021, Open Letter to the FDA Re: Critical Difference Between Glucose (Blood Sugar) and D-Glucose (Corn Sugar/Dextrose)

The following recipients have responded positively to my letter challenging these conflicting molecular formulas between the FDA and the NIH National Library of Medicine.

Allergy Strong, Washington, DC, @allergystrong

American Association of Surgical Physician Assistants (AASPA), @SurgeryPA

Arkansas Department of Human Services, Little Rock, AR, @ARHumanServices

Baptist Health, Northeast, FL, @BaptistHealthJx

Biology Online, @BiologyOnline2

Health New England, Springfield, MA, @HNEinc

Holy Redeemer Health, Meadowbrook, PA, @RedeemerHealth

Janice L. Pelletier, MD, FAAP, Orono/Penobscot, ME, @DrJanPeds

Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH, @OhioStateMed

Primary Care Progress, Boston, MA, @PCareProgress

Regulatory Affairs Professional Society, Rockville, MD, @RAPSorg

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM), Des Plaines, IL, @SAEMonline [Retweeted]

St. Michael's Elite Hospital, Sugar Land, TX, @StMichaelsER

Stanford MedicineX, Stanford, CA, @StanfordMedX

University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD. @UMESNews

University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, Pittsburgh, PA, @pittpharmacy

University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, CT, @USJCT

Wolfson Children's Hospital, Jacksonville, FL, @WolfsonChildren

False Narrative of Equating Glucose (Blood Sugar) with D-Glucose (Dextrose/Corn Sugar)

The false narrative of equating glucose (blood sugar present in all living organisms) with D-glucose (dextrose/corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch) was initiated by the corn industry decades ago, and our government has continued to propagate this false narrative, thus endangering the lives of corn-allergic consumers and patients.

Propaganda by the corn industry:

“The chief fuel for bodily activity is a sugar called Dextrose.
[FALSE:  The chief fuel for bodily activity is glucose (blood sugar naturally present in all living organisms).] Dextrose is formed in Nature [FALSE: Dextrose is corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch.] by the action of sunlight upon plant life. Human life depends on it for energy…. Keep the energy of sunshine in your body. Demand foods “Enriched with Dextrose.” [emphasis added]

“We, who must be strong, can build our strength upon the produce of our own farms. For instance, in our native fruits, vegetables and grain, we have an abundant supply of the natural sugar, DEXTROSE, [FALSE: Dextrose is corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch; therefore, it is NOT “natural.”] which is food energy in its purest form–energy vital to the toiling, fighting Americans.”

“Candy is a veritable bulwark against between-meal fatigue. Even doctors consider candy a desireable requirement of the daily diet. … [emphasis added] The concentrated food-energy of candy is obvious because it is simply a delicious combination of many highly nutritious foods everyone eats every day–chocolate, milk, butter, corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, eggs, fruits and nuts.”

Intelligent health-minded people prefer candy products made with Dextrose [emphasis added] because they appreciate its great value as the chief quick energy fuel of the body.  … Whenever you buy a bar or box of candy, look among the ingredients on the wrapper for “Dextrose”: it assures you always of genuine food energy to sustain your body in work or play.”

Dextrose is an ALL-American sugar, derived from American corn, [emphasis added] refined in American factories, distributed by American companies.”

Petition Filed Against the NIH National Library of Medicine

After the NIH National Library of Medicine told me in an email that blood sugar and corn sugar are “one and the same,” I filed a petition to have them defunded for willful negligence for intentionally endangering the lives of corn-allergic consumers and patients..

Glucose (blood sugar) must NEVER be equated with dextrose (D-glucose/corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch).
[This petition does NOT solicit donations.]
PETITION: Defund the NIH National Library of Medicine for Willful Negligence

Dextrose (Corn Sugar/D-Glucose) is ONLY Sourced from Corn

Confirmation that dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose) is only derived from corn. Dextrin (usually derived from corn) may be derived from food products other than corn.

Allergenicity of Corn Sugar (Dextrose/D-Glucose)

D-glucose (corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch/dextrose) can prove fatal to anyone with an IgE-mediated allergy to corn.  Therefore, glucose (blood sugar naturally present in all living organisms) and D-glucose (dextrose/corn sugar) are not “one and the same.”  They may be enantiomers (mirror images); however, enantiomers are NOT identical.  It is for this reason that IV solutions to which corn sugar (dextrose/D-glucose) has been added are contraindicated for administration to corn-allergic patients.

Dextrose (Corn Sugar/D-Glucose) IV Solutions Contraindicated for Administration to Corn-Allergic Patients

Guidelines for reporting medical professionals who administer corn sugar (dextrose/D-glucose) IV fluids to corn-allergic patients in direct violation of the contraindication warning in the package insert.  Administering dextrose-containing drug/biologic products to corn-allergic patients is a critical medical error equivalent to administering penicillin to patients with an allergy to penicillin.
Lactated Ringer’s in 5% Dextrose Contraindicated for Corn-Allergic Patients

Enantiomers (mirror images) are NOT identical; only similar.
Example:  Thalidomide

We, the corn allergy community, are demanding accountability by the FDA and the NIH National Library of Medicine in addressing their conflicting molecular formulas, which continue to endanger the lives of corn-allergic consumers and patients.


Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources
Twitter:  @CornAllergy911

Additional References:

1st Quarter, 2021, Corn Allergy Statistics
In one corn allergy group of 11,161 members, the growth in membership represents a 1,016.1% increase in corn allergies in the last 93 months with an average of 109.2 new members/month.

Corn Allergy References, Surveys, Studies (“. . . Maize major allergen . . .”), Statistics, & Petitions

Blog Post Reference:

What is the difference between glucose and D-glucose?

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

My January 6, 2021, Open Letter to the FDA Re: Critical Difference Between Glucose (Blood Sugar) and D-Glucose (Corn Sugar/Dextrose)


Dear FDA:

Re:  Critical Difference Between Glucose (Blood Sugar) and D-Glucose (Corn Sugar/Dextrose)

The FDA has made a critical error in 21CFR184.1857, which is endangering the lives of corn-allergic consumers and patients.

Glucose is blood sugar naturally present in all living organisms, and is essential for their survival.  D-glucose is a manufactured, food-derived sugar from cornstarch (dextrose).  Therefore, glucose (blood sugar) and D-glucose (corn sugar/dextrose) cannot be “biochemically identical.”  They may be mirror images of each other; however, like a glove, if you place your hands on top of each other, they are not identical.  Likewise, you cannot fit your right hand into a left-handed glove.  


The FDA is erroneously equating blood sugar present in all living organisms (glucose) with corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch (D-glucose/dextrose). You have assigned the molecular formula for corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch (dextrose/D-glucose) with the same molecular formula for blood sugar present in all living organisms (glucose), C6H12O6.  This would mean that corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch (dextrose/D-glucose) would have to be synthesized to achieve the same molecular formula as blood sugar present in all living organisms (glucose), C6H12O6.  Does the FDA have documentation for this synthesization process? 

The correct molecular formula in 21CFR184.1857 should be C6H14O7.

Blood sugar present in all living organisms (glucose) cannot be equated with D-glucose (corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch/dextrose), since D-glucose (corn sugar) is NOT the same as glucose (blood sugar).  Glucose (blood sugar present in all living organisms) cannot provoke an allergic response; whereas, corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch (dextrose/D-glucose) can prove fatal to individuals with an IgE-mediated allergy to corn.  It is for this reason that IV fluids to which corn sugar (dextrose/D-glucose) has been added are contraindicated for administration to corn-allergic patients in the package insert.

Corn Sugar (Dextrose/D-Glucose) IV Fluids Contraindicated for Corn-Allergic Patients

Since D-glucose is the common commercial name for dextrose (corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch), the following molecular formula for D-glucose is also INCORRECT.  


As of December 21, 2020, this was the description for D-Glucose in this PubChem document: [screenshot taken]

"A primary source of energy for living organisms.  It is naturally occurring and is found in fruits and other parts of plants in its free state.  It is used therapeutically in fluid and nutrient replacement."

As of July 3, 2021, this description for D-Glucose was removed, and has now been applied to L-Glucose. In addition, “corn sugar” was correctly added as a Depositor-Supplied Synonym for D-Glucose.

D-Glucose, Molecular Formula C6H12O6
[This molecular formula is not only incorrect, it is also inconsistent with the molecular formula for corn syrup and dextrose (see documentation below).]


After filing a with, they corrected their definition of dextrose; however, another entity has intervened, and continues to endanger the lives of corn-allergic citizens.  The ONLY source of dextrose is corn.

Corn sugar (dextrose/D-glucose) is NOT "produced by the liver" nor is it "glucose" (blood sugar present in all living organisms).  This explains why clinicians continue to endanger the lives of corn-allergic patients if they refer to this false and misleading definition of dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose).


"Corn must first be converted to corn sugar (dextrose, the common commercial name for D-glucose) . . ."

Corn Syrup, Molecular Formula C6H14O7
[Note that corn syrup is corn sugar (dextrose/D-glucose) to which water has been added.]

Cornstarch, Molecular Formula C27H48O20
[Note that dextrose/D-glucose is corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch.]

Dextrose, Molecular Formula C6H14O7
[Note that dextrose/D-glucose is corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch.]


It is our understanding that if dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose) is an ingredient, the word "dextrose" must appear on the product label; e.g., iodized salt lists "dextrose" as an ingredient. However, they are not required to explain that dextrose is "D-glucose/corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch." If dextrose is required, then dextrose equivalent (DE) should also be required on product labels since they are "one and the same" based on the fact that dextrose equivalent (DE) is only derived from corn. Both can prove lethal to corn-allergic consumers.  Many food retailers, manufacturers, and distributors are confusing dextrin with dextrose, claiming their dextrose products are derived from food sources other than corn.  They are clearly confusing dextrose with dextrin.  

Confirmation that dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose) is only derived from corn.
Corn Sugar (Dextrose/D-Glucose), Code of Federal Regulation 21CFR184.1857

Confirmation that dextrose equivalent (DE), corn sugar/D-glucose, is only derived from corn.

Confirmation that dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose) is only derived from corn.

Dextrin (usually sourced from corn) may be sourced from food products other than corn. Code of Federal Regulation 21CFR184.1277; however, all dextrin products are manufactured with added corn syrup solids.

Confirmation that dextrose (corn sugar/D-glucose) is only derived from corn. Dextrin (usually derived from corn) may be derived from food products other than corn.
[Cites food retailers, manufacturers, and distributors who are falsely claiming that dextrose is derived directly from tapioca, which endangers the lives of corn-allergic consumers.]


One of the primary complaints in our corn allergy support groups of over 13.5K members [more than double the membership in sesame seed allergy support groups] is that the majority of medical professionals are erroneously equating corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch (dextrose/D-glucose) with blood sugar present in all living organisms (glucose). As a result, they continue to insist upon administering dextrose-containing IV fluids to corn-allergic patients in direct violation of the contraindication warning in the package insert.  Administering corn sugar (dextrose/D-glucose) IV fluids to corn-allergic patients is a critical medical error equivalent to administering penicillin to patients with an allergy to penicillin; therefore, without this critical correction by the FDA, physicians are at risk for potential liability.   We should not be required to educate clinicians for our own safety, and the FDA needs to be more proactive in educating clinicians about the critical difference between glucose (blood sugar) and D-glucose (corn sugar/dextrose).  

In addition, many food retailers, manufacturers, and distributors are claiming their products are corn free; when, in fact, they contain dextrose (or other corn-derived ingredients), which can prove fatal to corn-allergic consumers.
  Corn may be exempt from FDA labeling requirements; however, they also risk liability if even one ingredient is derived from corn, yet they claim their products are corn free.  We should not be required to educate food retailers, manufacturers, and distributors for our own safety; e.g., one retailer claimed their product was corn free when, in fact, it contained corn-derived allulose  Thankfully, this manufacturer removed their corn-free claim at our request; since the product could have proven fatal to corn-allergic consumers.  Therefore, the FDA needs to be more proactive in educating food manufacturers regarding corn-derived ingredients. 

Many clinicians, food retailers, manufacturers, and distributors are falsely equating blood sugar present in all living organisms (glucose) with corn sugar (dextrose/D-glucose) based on these erroneous and conflicting molecular formulas; and, as a result, the lives of corn-allergic consumers and patients remain in constant danger.  


I, on behalf of the corn allergy community, would like to send a certified letter to the responsible party or agency exposing these critical errors with a request that these errors be corrected immediately.  Please provide me with the applicable contact information for directing my certified letter.

I have already provided indisputable documentation to the NIH National Library of Medicine; however, they are adamant that blood sugar present in all living organisms (glucose) is "one and the same" with corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch (dextrose/D-glucose).  They do not understand the critical difference between glucose (blood sugar) and D-glucose (corn sugar/dextrose).  In addition, they are ignoring the molecular formula assigned to dextrose and corn syrup (C6H14O7) that is documented in their own database.

Thank you very much for your attention to this critical concern.

Diane H., Corn Allergy Advocate
Corn Allergy Advocacy/Resources
Twitter:  @CornAllergy911 

Additional References:

My September 29, 2020, Email to Baxter Healthcare Ltd Re: Dextrose IV Fluid

Corn Allergen Lists of Corn Products/Corn-Derived Ingredients to be Avoided

Corn Allergy References, Surveys, Studies (“. . . Maize major allergen . . .”), Statistics, & Petitions



Critical error discovered in 21CFR182.1866 (a), which endangers the lives of corn-allergic consumers/patients. 

21CFR182.1866 (a), High fructose corn syrup

The FDA is erroneously equating blood sugar present in all living organisms (glucose) with corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch (dextrose/D-glucose) in this CFR. 

(a) ". . . conversion of glucose (dextrose) to fructose . . ."

Since dextrose is defined as corn sugar manufactured from cornstarch/D-glucose in 21CFR184.1857, the FDA must correct this statement to read:

(a) ". . . conversion of corn sugar (dextrose) to fructose . . ."

Corn Sugar (Dextrose/D-Glucose), Code of Federal Regulation 21CFR184.1857

"Corn must first be converted to corn sugar (dextrose, the common commercial name for D-glucose) . . ."

Updated March 6, 2024

Glucose (natural) vs. D-Glucose (synthetic)
D-Glucose can prove fatal to corn-allergic consumers/patients.

Blog Post Reference Link:

My January 6, 2021, Open Letter to the FDA Re: Critical Difference Between Glucose (Blood Sugar) and D-Glucose (Corn Sugar/Dextrose)








Yashoda Hospitals Intentionally Endangering the Lives of Corn-Allergic Patients

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